The human race is filled with passion.
Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
But creativity and ideas are what we stay alive for.
When the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.

What will your verse be?

– Robin Williams

draw self portrait with eye blinkin’
horses with sunglasses, angel wings, unicorn playing a jazz on both sides

My name’s Tina Nguyen Eather
I’m an Art Director
Sydney’s where I live
ADHD is my gift
from my grandmother.

Member of the Nguyen ministry,
Vietnam’s last dynasty
Same surnames plenty, of people sound like me.

I’m obsessed with food
Dancing on my foot
Singing in the rain
Driving dangerous lanes
Wild living things I’d pet
Snowboarding I shred
Skydiving I outflew
Getting lost with no shampoo
On Aussie mountains top.

At the end of the day
I verse to create
Ideas for your laughs
Or make your eyes red
Or make you think high
Twice or maybe thrice
To sell thy products
Build thy trademarks
And change lives
All with a huge smile.

Who the verse is Tina?

All about the verse


All about the verse 🪶

How do I
catch my verse?



Work that will versify better with time